Sunday, 30 May 2010

Mouthy sturklets

The baby sturks always have their mouths wide open

This chappie enjoyed sunning himself


It looks like this chap has had enough of the sturklets

The sturklets just won't leave the grown-ups alone.

They are just everywhere.

The sturklets have arrived

Well the sturklets have arrived. They hang out in the nurkery tree. I can't count more than 20 as I can't count fast enough before they move or fly off.

They are just balls of fluff

With big mouths, always open

Ninja Robin

Yay, ninja robin strikes

Action Sturks

I think they were keeping an eye on me. Are they members of the S.A.S?

I was practically sat under the blue dish for this shot. They had very little fear when there were mealworms about.

"He's behind you"

"Get outta ma way"

Robins in May

He's sooooo gorgeous


No need for any comments, these lovely birds speak for themselves

May Birds

A baby sparrow contemplating food that is way bigger than him

Mr sparrow braving the sturks

This lovely collared dove seems surprised he's been caught on camera

There's 4 different birds in this shot. The goldfinch, the greenfinch, the wood pigeon and the blur is a sparrow (honest)

Monday, 10 May 2010

Starlings in May

I'm getting more and more starlings in the garden. I've had up to 10. No babies yet. Blimey, I'll need to start stocking up on food if it's anything like the last place.

Birds in May

I'm pleased to report SISKINS, yay. Only seen them twice, though.

And long tailed tits. Only seen them a few times.

I don't take enough pics of sparrows. I have so many of them.

I'm sure this is a juvenile magpie. He was doing his best to get on the feeder, but just couldn'tmanage it.